Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Job Seeker

Ok. So I'm looking for a new job.

I really need three or four jobs to get us repositioned in our finances but this is not an easy task. Most jobs that pay decent salaries require you to have a Master's degree or some type of certification. I have neither of those but I do have a Bachelor's degree. It seems to me that a Bachelor's is no different then a High School diploma these days. There is no significant value in just having a Bachelor's. That is so unfortunate for all of us that have a higher education, life experience and prior job experience. What can we do? Taking a low paying, hourly, minimum wage job is what's out there. But it's not enough money to support a family.

So I really need three or more part time jobs to equal one full time salary at a Master's degree level. A daunting task to say the least but I have no choice. I will update my progress.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


It's the night before school and all through my house, my kids race to get their books ready, complete the Summer assignments, and try to reduce the anxiety that they feel before this brand new school year. School is harder now, two are in High School one in Middle School. So anxiety is understandable.
For me it's the beginning of the year. I know that January is the new year but September has always felt like it was the new year to me. Fun things end and new projects begin. New plans can be made, new resolutions  put into place. It's all good. Like a renewel of your purpose.
My kids don't see it that way, they groan about the homework and the fact that they need to wake up early everyday for the next ten months.

They don't understand yet just how easy they have it.